Artefacts of a
Burning World

Opinionated collection of 36 articles, films, podcasts and other artefacts related to the climate crisis.

“Maybe now, in this time when the myth of human exceptionalism has proven illusory, we will listen to intelligences other than our own, to kin.”

Kimmerer argues that “the most profound act of linguistic imperialism was the replacement of a language of animacy with one of objectification of nature, which renders the beloved land as lifeless object, the forest as board feet of timber.” Her main point of argument is the use of it in the English language for „being[s] of the living earth”. Derived from the PotawatomiAakibmaadiziiwin” (a being of the earth), she suggests the pronoun ki. She believes that words matter, and that a more inclusive pronoun could unlock a new (and ancient) way of thinking that puts human exceptionalism aside and brings us closer to the “commonwealth of life.” Kimmerer acknowledges that Russian  – and German too – does ”embrac[e] animacy in its structure” (by not using it pronouns for animals), but still argues for our reflection on language because it “reveals unconscious cultural assumptions and exerts some influence over patterns of thought.”

Screenshot of a graph of Earth’s climate over the last 485 million years
“As long as one or two organisms survive, there will always be life. I’m not concerned about that. My concern is what human life looks like. What it means to survive.”

Utilising 150,000 data points from climate proxies, including fossils and statistical methods such as data assimilation, a team of scientists led by Emily J. Judd has produced the most rigorous reconstruction of Earth‘s past temperatures to date. The timeline illustrates the historical temperature fluctuations and the correlation between rapid changes in temperature and mass extinctions. The previous higher temperatures may be misinterpreted as evidence against the current climate debate; however, they demonstrate that humans evolved in an icehouse climate. The unprecedented change in temperature also raises concerns, as it indicates that the average temperature could reach 17 °C, which has not been seen for 5 million years.


What does more harm: Killing animals (or being vegetarian) or abusing animals (or being vegan)? Along two articles, PJ Vogt and the author of the articles, Annie Lowrey, discuss our irrational relationship with animal rights.

The first story is about the Turkey Trot festival in Yellville, Arkansas, where the annual tradition of dropping about 10 turkeys from a plane has drawn national criticism. But what is more brutal: Dropping birds that cannot fly from a plane, or the 45 million turkeys killed in the US every year (and mostly from the surrounding area).

The second article looks at the systemic issues that lead to animal suffering. Because organic certification rules (in the US) prohibit the use of antibiotics, cow 13039 suffered from “eye cancer” and was not treated properly. This raises the question of whether to prioritise the health of consumers (who want to avoid milk contaminated with antibiotics) or animal welfare.

“Air conditioning has lulled us into thinking that we’re not impacted by how hot it is outside. But it’s also maybe lulled us into thinking like, I’m not the one who needs to particularly change my behavior in any way.”

This episode of The Daily looks at how air conditioning has become both our answer to a warming planet and a major obstacle to actually tackling it. When Willis Carrier invented the first version of air conditioning in 1902 (to control the moisture content of printed documents), it suddenly made places like Las Vegas, Dallas and Houston, which had previously been almost uninhabitable, attractive places to live (often requiring an additional artificial water supply). Because energy was cheap, buildings could be inefficient: glass instead of stone, air conditioning instead of windows, and less clever architectural features like window awnings. Many people now live in these "greenhouses", which are not only very vulnerable to power outages, but also contribute to 30 per cent of greenhouse gases in the United States.

Photograph of the Palabora mine  with computer-generated sphere that shows the amount of copper

South African photographer Dillon Marsh combines photography with computer-generated images of material extracted from the landscape he portrays. In the series For What It’s Worth, the artist visits former copper, diamond, gold, and platinum group metal mines that are now scars on the landscape to create salient visualisation of extraction. 

The Palabora mine, pictured above, is almost 2 km wide and over 800 m deep. 4.1 million tonnes of copper have been mined here, but this total is dwarfed by the massive hole left behind.

Bar chart with a list of mitigation options. Each bar is coloured according to its cost.

One of the most striking and instructive graph in the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report: It lists the potential contribution to net emissions reductions by 2030 for different migration options in sectors such as energy, AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses), buildings, transport and industry. In addition to the width of the bars, it also shows colour ranges for the cost of the reduction potential of the options.

The areas with the highest potential contributions are solar and wind energy, halting deforestation, better agriculture, strengthening ecosystems and hydrogen in industry.

Wind and solar energy are cheap up to 2 GtCO₂-eq per year, while the often-promised carbon capture is expensive from the outset and has very little potential.

The graphic is part of the Summary for Policymakers in “Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change”.


Throughout history, civilisations have fallen and sometimes almost disappeared altogether. Paul Cooper tells their stories, but always in relation to our own time: how similar was the Bronze Age’s dependence on the eponymous metal to today’s dependence on oil? Could the Vikings’ refusal to adapt in Greenland be similar to today's inactivity? And how could the Sumerian’s change in diet be a role model for us today?

The disappearance of the indigenous people of Easter Island is particularly instructive: in contrast to the commonly told fable of a society responsible for its own downfall, Paul Cooper tells of their fate as the result of Western imperialism.

As well as being interesting, the podcast is excellently produced – often with multiple narrators and music from the time of the story. In this interview, Cooper talks about his “catalogue of the worst leaders”, which is also available as a book.