Who rules Earth? Wild mammals far outweighed by humans and domestic animals
By Elizabeth Pennisi and Patrick SchultheissA team of scientists from the University of Würzburg published an updated estimates of weight of biomass on earth by category. Wild land mammals have a total biomass of 22 million tons. Marine mammals account for 40 million tons. These numbers are far overshadowed by 390 million tons of human biomass and 630 million tons of livestock and other hangers-on such as urban rats.
Reading the list of numbers in the article makes me wish for a visualisation, that would make the relations and categories much clearer.
But at the very end, the article reveals another insight. But this time, it’s about the thinking of one of the involved scientists, which could be read as representative of Western thinking about nature in general: “We can only conserve what we understand, and we can only truly understand what we can quantify.”
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