Opinionated collection of 44 articles, films, podcasts and other artefacts related to the climate crisis.
This is a personal blog by Jonas Parnow. It serves as a personal archive of artefacts related to the climate crisis. At best, it also provides others with an imperfectly categorised and somewhat chronological perspective.
This blog is built with SvelteKit and Tailwind. Special attention was paid to minimal size (e.g. prerendering and no JavaScript), accessibility (e.g. semantic tags) and web standards (e.g. Schema.org formats). The CMS for this blog is Pocketbase because of its lightness. It runs on Pockethost.io. The page itself is hosted on Cloudflare Pages. You can find the source code on GitHub.
The site is set in Untitled Sans and Charter.
If you want to follow the blog, you can do so via RSS feeds: